Habitat Restoration
Confluence Restoration is a landscape contracting firm, based out of Santa Cruz California, specializing in construction and long-term maintenance of habitat restoration projects.
From wetland to woodland, Confluence has experience working with the diversity of ecosystems that exist in California. Let us help you put your landscape back on the proper trajectory. Our restoration team offers a full range of services including:
Seed collection and propagation
Soil preparation and analysis
Erosion Control BMP implementation
Restoration plan, HCP, or MMP implementation
Bioengineering and bank stabilization
California native plant identification and management
Invasive and noxious weed identification and management
One of our Habitat Restoration sites at work.
See More Of Our Latest Habitat Restoration Projects

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Habitat Restoration
Typical projects involve an initial assessment of the property to determine the scope of the revegetation or erosion control effort. If the project does not require agency approval, confluence can develop a site-specific planting plan, establishment maintenance program, and an irrigation plan. If your project does need agency approval, Confluence has a network of professionals that can cater to the entire spectrum of habitat restoration projects.
Habitat Restoration
Confluence specializes in the implementation of California native plant revegetation, erosion control, and irrigation plans. With projects ranging from the South Bay of San Francisco to the Big Sur coast, Confluence has worked with dozens of public and private agencies to restore some of California’s most sensitive habitats including wetlands, grasslands, riparian forest, and woodlands.
Establishment Maintenance
Habitat Restoration
The maintenance team at Confluence implements site-specific management plans with routine operations that include: invasive exotic weed species identification and management, native plant identification and cultivation, plant health maintenance, monitoring and reporting, and irrigation schedule development and system maintenance.
Environmental Monitoring
Habitat Restoration
The science team is proudly an aquatic resource generalist species; however, at the root of all our environmental work is the long-term protection and monitoring of Pacific salmonids and their habitat. In pursuit of technical data for resource planners and public agencies Confluence provides technical staff with field expertise in local fisheries, geomorphology, hydrology, ecology, and water quality.